I can't believe you are 7 months old!! Here are some of the things you are doing now:
-You are sleeping from 7 or 7:30-8 or 8:30 every night and are taking two 2-3 hour naps a day.
-You eat four 8oz bottles of formula a day and eat baby food twice a day. You REALLY like fruit. You wouldn't eat any of it until here recently now you eat the entire jar!
-You are busting out of your 6 month clothes but 9-12 month are still a litte big.
-Sitting up with confidence. I can leave you sitting there by yourself with a toy or something to keep your attention and you are fine.
-You jabber & squeal with delight all of the time!!!
-You are very grabby....will grab anything in sight!!
-You are cutting your next 2 teeth. Your top front two are at the edge of the skin..we can see them but not feel them quite yet. We are checking every day because it will be soon!!!
-You love for us to sing to you. Mallory especially!! If you are upset for any reason all we have to do is sing to you and you calm down.
-We went to the doctor 2 weeks ago for your 6 month check up and your stats were 16lb 8ozs and 27.5 inches long.
What a happy seven months we have had!!!!
You loves his baby food so much he licks every single spot on your mouth to get it!!!