Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First School Project

Alyssa had her first school project today. The teacher sent home this turkey and we had to disguise him. We decided to disguise him as Mickey Mouse since that is what Alyssa likes. We were really proud of our project! When I picked Alyssa up from school today they had all of them posted on the bulletin board and apparently Mickey Mouse is 3 other students favorite character!!! I still think ours was the best!!! I cut out the ears and Trey cut out the rest. It was fun.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This is so cute! What a fun project! As an art teacher, I am impressed with your creativity, craftsmanship, and overall concept! ;D

Have you gotten your Birthday present yet? I sent it last week, but I can't remember when they said it'd be there!