Well, the good news is the girls are getting better. We have been to the doctor 4 times so far with Mallory and 2 times with Alyssa. The bad news is they both have ear infections. The doctor prescribed Alyssa an antibiotic and she is doing much better. Mallory on the other hand is not cooperating too well. The doctor prescribed her an antibiotic last Thursday and she did okay the first day but starting Friday she vomited every time we gave her medicine. We tried every way possible to hide it but she is no dummy! She was also running fever so we were trying to give her motrin too. The ugly was by Sunday she was vomiting ALL day! She couldn't keep anything down. The uglier is she is having to have three shots of antibiotic. Maybe they will get to go back to MDO before it ends at the end of this month! I will leave you with a picture of Mallory at 10 months.
I'm so sorry things are so rough at your house. Makes me thankful for the simple cold my girls have right now! Praying you are all healthy VERY soon.
Yes, Dan was the one who took the picture. Hope you guys are feeling better. Were you able to go to Trey's Christmas party last weekend. We wished ya'll could of came to Arkansas.
I know exactly what you are going through. My boys have been sick since the end of October with all kinds of stuff. Joe even caught a horrible stomach bug last week. Finally this week we are all well. So it will get better. We will be praying for you and the girls.
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